Explosive: Michael Cohen Claims Trump Showed Contempt Towards His Optometrist

The former lawyer says Trump's lack of respect towards optometrists was striking.

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen has made staggering claims today regarding his former boss’s contemptuous behaviour towards his optometrist.

In Cohen’s new book titled Disloyal, an entire chapter is dedicated to Trump’s disrespect for his optometrist. Cohen offered the following insight

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“He made me do unspeakable things on his behalf. One day he broke his glasses and told me to tell his optometrist that he just opened the case and they were like that.”

Cohen elaborated “How could anybody believe that? Glasses don’t just break? Frankly it was the most embarrassing thing I ever did. It was at that exact moment when I realised I was in Trump’s cult and I had to get out”.

In a separate incident, Cohen claims Trump blatantly lied to his optometrist when asking for a copy of his prescription, stating he only wanted it “to keep a record”.

In perhaps the strangest of revelations, Cohen admits to meeting Trump’s optometrist in an abandoned warehouse where he exchanged $50,000 cash for a large trunk of fluorescein strips. Cohen says he doesn’t know what his former boss was using the fluorescein for, however he did note his skin was looking more tanned than usual soon after.
