Bowl Of Mentos At Conference Centre Wins Award For Commitment To Education

The bowl of Mentos correctly predicted the last global financial crisis

A bowl of Mentos at the local convention centre has been recognised by its peers for commitment to education in a touching awards ceremony.

The bowl of Mentos has been located on a table near the coffee station at the back of the plenary hall for the last 12 months and in that time it has sat through hours of lectures from experts on topics ranging from ophthalmology to economics.

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The bowl of mentos has written to the united nations with its recommendations on climate change

On receiving the award, the bowl of Mentos said “Listen, thank you but you need to realise that I’ve heard thousands of hours of the latest educational content across all fields and I’m telling you, the solution to world peace is..” only to be cut-off by an overly zealous MC who wanted to remind delegates that spaces at tomorrow’s breakfast symposium were filling fast.
