Patient Shattered To Find Out Cyl Axis Has Risen From 10 to 180

A local patient, who insists on asking for a copy of her prescription, was heartbroken today to see that her cyl axis had risen from 10 to 180 degrees in just 12 months.

“I can’t believe it. I mean, I know I’m legally blind with my -0.50 sphere power already, but to also have my -0.25 cyl axis rising from 10 to 180, this is just a nightmare. That’s 18 times worse!”

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The patient in question could only reach the very wrong and ill conceived conclusion that her glasses were making her eyes worse.

“I knew it. I only ever agreed to get the glasses because the optometrist, like all optometrists, was ridiculously hot. And now look where I am. Still single and legally blind.“

The patient’s family have started a GoFund Me.
