Home World Trendy Ophthalmologists Name Their Child Pseudomonas

Trendy Ophthalmologists Name Their Child Pseudomonas

A couple of cool ophthalmologists today welcomed to the world Miss Pseudomonas Greenberg.

The couple’s circle of friends, 99% of whom are also ophthalmologists, were blown away by such a unique and edgy name.

“We had a shortlist but in the end it was down to either Pseudomonas or Herpes. When we finally met her, we both agreed she definitely looked like a Pseudomonas”.

The child’s four grandparents, all of whom are also ophthalmologists, had a mixed response. Open minded grandmother Dr Syphillis Greenberg said she loved the name but conservative grandfather Dr Rand Paul just started screaming incoherently about how pseudomonas doesn’t even exist.

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