Home Anterior Demodex and Staph Aureus Leaders Reach Historic Agreement On Lid Margin Territory...

Demodex and Staph Aureus Leaders Reach Historic Agreement On Lid Margin Territory Dispute

The Agreement Will Bring An End to Decades Of Heated Conflict

Brussels – Today marked an end to decades of agitation from both sides as Demodex and Staph Aureus leaders reached a historic agreement to end their inflammatory conflict.

Townships located around the disputed margins celebrated as finally a plan was signed to put years of dispute behind them.

The two parties had originally entered into discussions towards an agreement in 2003, when talks broke down on news that Demodex soldiers had occupied all meibomian glands in a blitz lasting just a few nights.

Emergency discussions recently resumed on news that a weapon of Intense Pulsed Light had been spied being set up nearby to the disputed territory, and it became apparent that it would be in the interest of both parties to calm down, or else be faced with imminent annihilation.

Critics of the peace process have suggested that IPL Army peace-keepers are not there to provide peace, but rather are only interested in accessing the vast oil reserves in the meibomian gland valley.

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