Home World Conference To Feature The Very Best Speakers Who Were Willing To Lecture...

Conference To Feature The Very Best Speakers Who Were Willing To Lecture For Free

The program for a major optometry conference was released today, including a rockstar lineup of the very best optometry lecturers who were willing to do it for free.

To be fair, there is the possibility that a thank you card and a bottle of low priced wine may be generously gifted to them, but only after they have completed the 20 hours of slide preparation, interstate flights and weekend away from their families.

Organisers will benefit from delegate registration which is reasonably priced at only $1000 per optometrist, and the event is heavily sponsored by some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical and lens companies, none of which would occur without the expert lecturers, but it’s all good hey no-one minds at all.

One of the world’s leading optometry lecturers told us anonymously “yeah, what a bum deal. I get these emails regularly and I simply respond that regrettably I’m unavailable, which is code for take your sweatshop request elsewhere. If I was in banking I’d be paid $10k a lecture. It’s a real Britney Spears situation if you know what I’m saying”.

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