Home World Tik Tok OMD’s Who Say OD’s Can’t Be Trusted Conveniently Forget Radial...

Tik Tok OMD’s Who Say OD’s Can’t Be Trusted Conveniently Forget Radial Keratotomy Ever Existed

Tik Tok users have reported a spike in frantic ophthalmologists twerking into a camera to highlight their concern about the trustworthiness of Californian OD’s possibly treating eye some extra diseases whilst conveniently pretending that Radial Keratotomy ever existed.

Most level headed optometrists and ophthalmologists have agreed that irrespective of the differences in opinions on how best to manage roles in eye care, no-one deserves to have to watch doctors resort to Tik Tok twerking.

“You should have proper eye surgeons doing eye surgery even yag because that way nothing will ever go wrong because we all know surgeons have never made errors or done things for the money and any optometrist who tells you they’ve seen countless bad examples throughout their career is a lier and radial keratotomy is a totally made up thing like a yetti that optometrists made up to make ophthalmologists look bad when in fact it totally doesn’t exist and why would you trust an optometrist, and I’m not even being racist or classist or whatever some of my best friends are optometrists well not really but you know this is just my opinion and it’s the only one that matters you can tell by the fact I’m dancing while wearing scrubs.”

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