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Pet Shop Owner Confused By Keratoconic Man’s Request To Buy a Pair of Mini-Squirrels

Ishaan has had some weird requests over the years, but this is a first

In what has been a first for pet shop owner Ishaan Patel, a keratoconic man today enquired about buying a pair of mini-squirrels.

At first, Patel thought the phone call was a simple case of a wrong number. Patel said “he just kept going on about how much he struggled with small rigid contact lenses and that he has heard that mini-squirrels might be able to help him. How the hell would that work? I didn’t know what the heck he was talking about, but I thought this could be a good chance to tap into a new niche market in pet sales which I hadn’t heard of. There’s not much new technology in the mammal pipeline so to be honest, I was pretty excited”.

Patel admits that whilst this is the first time he has heard of such an animal, he knows a guy who he thinks will be able to source what he needs.

“Who knows where this will lead. The guy is coming here next week to pay a deposit. I had no idea how much to charge him so I just said about 2 grand, and the guy said that sounded about right. He asked what to clean them with, but I’ll have to find that out. I thought maybe cat shampoo but the guy on the phone said something about getting some stuff from Boston? I don’t know, there must be a big pet shop there or something”.

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