Home Workplace Peace Plan: U.N Air Drops Receptionists Into War-zone So Troops Have Someone...

Peace Plan: U.N Air Drops Receptionists Into War-zone So Troops Have Someone To Take Their Anger Out On Other Than Each Other

For most receptionists, this will just be another day at the office

In an attempt to bring about peace in an increasingly bloody conflict, the United Nations today decided to air-drop thousands of receptionists into the disputed war-zone so that fighting troops might put down their weapons and take their anger out in the way many regular people seem to think is appropriate.

This controversial plan was actually first suggested in a submission to the U.N by the International Receptionists Union. President of the Union, Ms Patricia Fields suggested that her members would be more than happy to step up into this role, given that on any day they are subject to relentless projections of patient’s internal anger anyway.

“To be honest, for most of us we might as well put ourselves on the ground in a war-zone. There hasn’t been a day in my 30 year career where some jerk hasn’t projected his or her internal anger at me, usually triggered by something totally out of my control.” said Fields.

Psychologists have however suggested that the U.N might be best placed to extend this plan to actually arming the receptionists. Dr Teena Snell adds “the twist here is that if ever there was a group of people who should have some pent up internal anger it’s receptionists. I say give them some AK’s and watch them bring an end to this war quick-smart”.

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